"I do one thing every day that scares me" I recently heard someone say.
"One thing every day, huh?" I arrogantly thought to myself..."that's how I live my life...on the edge of every fear I ever held...always pushing my own boundaries."
Oh yes...and my little inflated ego was feeling really good there for a minute...
But then I began to question myself further with a not so gentle "Really?...do you really?"
Ugh...I hate it when I ask myself that question...but none the less I did...and I realized I wasn't doing things that scare me now. Yes, they are things that scared me in the past, and yes, I am now living a life that once frightened me...but I wasn't really taking on new risks.
Wow! That is really exciting!...But that also means that it is time for me to push my boundary a little further.
"Really? Oh Sh!t" I thought to myself..."There are so many things I still avoid doing because I am scared...and it is TIME to START doing them!"
So I did. Today, I did something that scared me...& tomorrow I will too...and I know that soon I will be embracing them as a part of who I am.
What is it that scares you? Make a choice today to take that risk...make the phone call, send the email, say "hi," go for a run (with a crazy hill), go to a coffee shop alone, dance with your children or your husband. Find your Radiant Warrior...open your heart to her nudges...and Be Fearless!